
Request to Suppliers
In order to provide products and services with "We can't spell "Us" with "U" that is the philosophy of Bandariyah, we believe it is very important to develop a partnership with our suppliers based on mutual trust, and also to work with all supply-chain from Bandariyah to our customers. Therefore Bandariyah requests our supplies to understand and cooperate with the 7 following items.

Bandariyah requests our suppliers to continuously supply goods and services which meet our HSE Policy. This will enable us to promote "Environment-friendly Products manufacturing" under our environmental philosophy "We recognize deeply that we maintain and improve and pass the Earth's environment on to the next generation. And we always make efforts to contribute to achieve plenty and safe environment."  

Bandariyah requests our suppliers to continuously supply goods and services in accordance with the quality assurance system required by Bandariyah, so that we can provide the products with customers high reliability and satisfaction.

Bandariyah requests our suppliers to constantly supply goods and service at competitive rates. Furthermore, to actively look for cost reductions. With these two measures, we can provide the products with high customers satisfaction.

Bandariyah requests our suppliers to promptly respond to the unexpected. For example, the rapid changes in market or natural disasters. And also to meet the delivery deadline of the goods and services. These will enable us to continuously provide the products to our customers.

Bandariyah requests our suppliers to maintain and continually make efforts to improve upon the technology required by Bandariyah. Also to make an attractive proposal about technology. With these, we can provide worthy products that enable more customers to share our impression.

Bandariyah requests our suppliers to comply with the law, regulations and social customs in the countries where the suppliers conduct business. Also to follow International Law permitting to fair trade and human rights.

Bandariyah requests our suppliers to agree to establishing the relationship with mutual trust and growth under the stable management foundation. And also to respond based on the partnership that aims toward the mutual coexistence.

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